Come si riconosce un (buon) olio extravergine d’oliva?
Look for its 3 values: – the FRUITY – a good smell on the nose, reminiscent of vegetal, fresh or riper notes. So, among the many good things, you could smell freshly cu
Come si legge una etichetta di olio?
On the e.v.o. oil label you must find (by law!) Product name – “EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL” Country of Origin – “ITALY” Classification – international s
Posso usare l’olio extravergine per friggere?
YES! Its excellent resistance to high temperatures, its high antioxidant content and chemical stability make it the most suitable for frying, among vegetable oils. Curiosity: all s
Che significa olio biologico?
It is a product certified by institution accredited by the Authorities, which ensure the compliance with the specification for “organic farmig”’ that excludes the use o
Qual è la scadenza dell’olio?
Oil does not have an expiry date but a minimum consumption date, i.e. the date until which the product retains the characteristics indicated on the label if it is stored correctly.
Perché l’olio extravergine d’oliva costa tanto?
The cost of extra virgin olive oil is made up of many items for which an olive grower is responsible – production costs in the field (from pruning to harvesting, the latter p
L’olio può essere congelato?
Why do it? It is not necessary, it is a natural preservative, even of itself! It can happen, however, that it freezes at low temperatures, as low as 7°C. That is why it is not rec
Cosa è l’acidità dell’olio?
It is the percentage of free fatty acids in the oil, or better, the fatty acids that have separated because their bond has broken due to oxidation. These ‘free’ acids
L’olio extravergine d’oliva italiano è il migliore?
In Italy, due to tradition, culture and practice, stricter production standards are usually used than in other countries. Moreover, there are hundreds of varieties of olives for ma
Le Ferre lavora alla rigenerazione sostenibile
Le Ferre al fianco di CIHEAM – Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes e ALMACUBE – incubatore e hub innovativo dell’Università di Bologna