Olio Le Ferre

FAQCome si riconosce un (buon) olio extravergine d’oliva?

Come si riconosce un (buon) olio extravergine d’oliva?

Look for its 3 values:
– the FRUITY – a good smell on the nose, reminiscent of vegetal, fresh or riper notes.
So, among the many good things, you could smell freshly cut grass, a tomato, a leaf, a vegetable, a fruit…

BITTER – well yes, it’s not a flaw! It is a more pronounced characteristic in some varieties than in others. It is perceived in the upper part of the palate.
– the SPICY – this is the tickle sensation that can be felt in the throat.
The acidity has nothing to do with acidity! Instead, it means that extra virgin oil has polyphenols, natural antioxidants for our body and health. Some varieties of olives have more of them, which is why the tickle is greater.

How to find them?
Pour some oil into a small glass (no plastic, otherwise you will smell plastic!); use your hands to wrap the glass and the oil; bring the glass to your nose and inhale several times.
Then, put a little oil in your mouth and … ALT 🖐🏼 do not swallow. You have to ‘stripe’ first, i.e. nebulize (LF trick 🤫: pretend you are burning yourself, clench your teeth and inhale).
Final tip: spit out the oil because if you swallow it and there are a lot of polyphenols in it, you might cough for a loong time!

And so: if you smell good and fresh scents and have a little bitter and spicy in your mouth, well you’re on your way!