Extra virgin olive oil is a tale made of scents and flavours
capable to evoke images, places, memories.
It tells of a territory, a plant and its fruits.
And when it meets the Mediterranean aromas, it gets even more colourful!
Extra virgin olive oil as a ‘postcard’ of a trip to Puglia region.
Comes from here the new line of Le Ferre boxes
“Puglia – Travel Postcards “
Three gift boxes for:
– n. 5 by 0.10L Le Ferre flavoured condiments or n° 4 extra virgin olive oils and tasting glasses;
– n. 2 by 0.50L Le Ferre IGP and/or BIO extra virgin olive oils;
– n° 6 by 0,25L Le Ferre flavoured condiments of 0.25L
Three different graphic subjects that reproduce different typical Apulian landscapes. The illustrations have been copied by hand.
For each box, on the back, there’s a sentence by an artist who has paid homage to Puglia with his art.